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‘Infection prevention and control is a practical, evidence-based approach which prevents patients and health workers from being harmed by avoidable infection as a result of antimicrobial resistance,’ (WHO). To celebrate International Infection Prevention Week, Biorex are celebrating the hard work and dedication that health workers provide to the sick and vulnerable. We also plan to raise awareness about the importance of keeping yourself and others safe from disease and infection outside of a clinical setting. The awareness week runs from October 18th-22nd October 2021 and its theme is ‘Make your intention infection prevention’. International Infection Prevention Week, (IIPW) was founded in 1986

Malaria has shadowed sub-Saharan Africa for over 2.5 million years, (Britannica). This life-threatening disease is caused by parasites that is transmitted to people through the bite of a female Anopheles mosquitoes. Despite malaria being a preventable disease, there were an estimated 229 million cases worldwide in 2019, (WHO). Of these cases, the majority are children. This disease kills over 400,000 children every year in the worst affected areas of Africa. There have been ongoing attempts to create a malaria vaccination for children and thanks to the research and development of vaccinations and testing for the disease, The WHO have recommended

World Heart Day aims to shed a light on cardiovascular disease and how to prevent it. 17.9 million people died from cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in 2019 worldwide, meaning CVD was the world’s most common cause of death, followed by cancer. In line with World Heart Day it is important to note the importance of a healthy heart and the risks that come with an unhealthy lifestyle. Cardiovascular disease, (CVD) is a range of illnesses and disorders relating to the heart and blood vessels. This blanket term is used to describe the following diseases, (WHO): Coronary heart disease Heart attack and stroke

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, also known as ELISA tests, are cost effective, eco-friendly and reliable. Originally described by Engvall and Perlmann in 1971, the test has been adapted and altered to stay one of the most dependable scientific tool for enabling the measurement of specific analytes. ELISAs can be used to diagnose HIV infections and COVID-19, blood typing and many other diseases. Fortress Diagnostics offers a wide range of Immunoassay ELISAs for the detection of peptides, proteins, antibodies and hormones. Cost Efficient ELISAs are a cost efficient test due to the proportions of the 96-well, or 384-well polystyrene plates they are assayed in, (Helvetica Health Care).

It has recently been announced that the UK are going to begin offering COVID-19 antibody testing to the public for the first time. This is part of a new programme that aims to investigate the COVID-19 virus further and the natural protection an individual receives after infection. By testing the public for antibodies, researchers will be able to discover how many antibodies are generated in response to natural infection, rather than vaccinations. The Health Secretary, Sajid Javid has said it will build on ‘the massive wall of defence’ that was the vaccination programme and getting involved would help ‘strengthen our understanding

Blood Cancer is the third biggest cancer killer in the UK, and around 15,000 people die of it every year. Blood Cancer Awareness Month aims to educate and inform the public about the deadly disease so symptoms can be recognised sooner and therefore increase the chances of survival with early diagnosis, (Blood Cancer.org). Most blood cancers, also called haematological cancers, start in the bone marrow, where the blood is made. Blood cancers regularly transpire when abnormal blood cells start to grow at a faster pace than the normal blood. This interrupts the function of the regular blood cells, (Cancer Centre). There are

The World Health Organization states, ‘The two public health interventions that have had the greatest impact on the world’s health are clean water and vaccines,’ (WHO). As National Immunization Awareness Month 2021 comes to an end, Fortress Diagnostics aim to explain the benefits of immunization and encourage the audience who are unsure, to strongly consider the advantages, not only to themselves, but their family, friends and community. There are many misconceptions revolving vaccinations in today’s society. Fortress Diagnostics hope by focusing on the benefits of immunization, more individuals will step up and receive their vaccinations for the better of their community. The benefits

Recently, The WHO and Imperial College London have been working together to develop the largest catalogue for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) genome list with more than 17,000 mutations. This catalogue will help health services and professionals around the world to interpret genome sequencing results and treat patients quickly using the appropriate medications. This is a necessity in today’s society due to the increase of drug resistance to tuberculosis medications within the population. Dr Leonid Chindelevitvh, from the School of Public Health who worked on the new TB catalogue says, ‘Tuberculosis is the largest infectious killer in the world today and drug resistance is becoming

"Febrile antigens are stained bacterial suspensions that can be used either as a screening test, (rapid slide agglutinating procedure) or as a confirmatory test (tube agglutination) to verify positive results found by the rapid slide method.” Febrile antigen tests have been a reliable source of diagnosis since the beginning of the last century. As time has moved on, these tests have adapted and become more effective and reliable, making them an in demand product around the world. Biorex Diagnostics are devoted to improving global health care by offering testing solutions and are rigorously analyzing and improving the febrile antigen tests we offer. Using

Over a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, researching and understanding the virus is still one of the top priorities worldwide. By studying and learning more about the disease, we reduce the spread, lessen infection rates via vaccination and immunization, and become one step closer to normality. With the high priority investigation into the COVID-19 virus, side effects including long lasting symptoms and illness, even after a negative test result, have become apparent. It is currently being referred to as Long COVID. There have been initial investigations held into Long COVID from all over the world including the UK, America, The Netherlands