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Transferrin is a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 79570 daltons. It consists of a polypeptide stand with two N-glycosidically linked oligosaccharide chains and exists in numerous isoforms. The rate of synthesis in the liver can be altered in accordance with the body’s iron requirements and iron reserves. Transferrin is the iron transport protein in serum. In cases of iron deficiency, the degree of transferrin saturation appears to be an extremely sensitive indicator of functional iron depletion. The ferritin levels are depressed when there is a deficiency of storage iron.

Biorex Diagnostics manufactures Transferrin reagents designed for Hitachi 917, Olympus AU 600/400/2700 and CA 180/270/400/2700 Furuno/Daytona system reagents.

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Product Name Details CAT.No Size
Transferrin Suitable for Hitachi 917 HIT0741A R1: 2 x 20ml R2: 1 x 8ml
Transferrin Suitable for use on Olympus System AU600, AU400, AU640, AU2700 OLY0741B R1: 2 x 20ml R2: 1 x 8ml
Transferrin Suitable for CA 180/270/400 Furuno/ Daytona Series Reagents BXCF741A R1: 6 x 20ml R2: 3 x 14ml



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