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Increased creatinine levels usually indicate renal function impairment but would not be considered a sensitive indicator of early renal disease.  Plasma concentrations can be more sensitive to changes in glomerular function where a chronic renal disease state exists. Urinary creatinine is only useful when performed as part of a creatinine clearance test.  In these circumstances it is useful verification of the completeness of a 24 hour urine collection.

Biorex Diagnostics manufactures Creatinine reagents designed for Hitachi 917, Olympus AU600/400/640/2700 and CA 180/270/400 Furuno/ Daytona systems.

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Product Name Details CAT.No Size
Creatinine Suitable for Hitachi 917 HIT0111A R1: 12 x 50ml R2: 3 x 45ml
Creatinine Suitable for Hitachi 917 HIT0111C R1: 6 x 50ml R2: 3 x 22ml
Creatinine Enzymatic Suitable for use on Olympus System AU600, AU400, AU640, AU2700 OLY0113B R1: 3 x 25ml R2: 3 x 25ml R3: 3 x 10ml
Creatinine Jaffe Suitable for use on Olympus System AU600, AU400, AU640, AU2700 OLY0111D R1: 4 x 15ml R2: 4 x 15ml
Creatinine Jaffe Suitable for use on Olympus System AU600, AU400, AU640, AU2700 OLY0115B R1: 4 x 60ml R2: 2 x 24ml
Creatinine Suitable for CA 180/270/400 Furuno/ Daytona Series Reagents BXCF117A R1: 6 x 51ml R2: 3 x 28ml