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Typhoid Antibody

Typhoid fever and paratyphi fever are bacterial infections caused by Salmonella Typhi and paratyphoid A, B, C respectively, which is transmitted through the ingestion of tainted food and water. World-wide an estimated 17 million cases and 600,000 associated deaths occur annually. Patients who are infected with HIV are at significantly increased risk of clinical infection. 1-5% of patients become chronic carriers harbouring S. type/i in the gallbladder.

The Typhoid IgG/lgM Rapid Test Cassette is a rapid, qualitative and differential test for the detection of IgG and lgM antibodies to Salmonella typhi (S. typhi) and paratyphi in human serum or plasma. It is for in vitro diagnostic use only and is intended as an aid in the earlier diagnosis of infection with S. typhi and paratyphi.

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Product Name CAT.No Size
Typhoid Antibody TYPC0020 20T



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