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Phenotypes Rh + Kell (Blood Grouping Gel Cards)

For in vitro determination of Rh phenotypes and K.

Besides the RhD (RH1) antigen, other important antigens of the Rh system are: C, E, c and e. Its presence in the erythrocytes surface could stimulate the production of antibodies in antigen C, E, c and e negative individuals. The determination of the Rh phenotypes can, therefore be important during pregnancy, for previously transfused patients and for patients with known irregular antibodies. The K antigen in strongly immunogenic, and has been reported as the cause of hemolytic transfusion reactions, both immediate and delayed, and hemolytic disease of the newborn.

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Product Name CAT.No Size
Phenotypes Rh + Kell (Blood Grouping Gel Cards) BGGCRHPK -12 12 Gel Cards
Phenotypes Rh + Kell (Blood Grouping Gel Cards) BGGCRHPK -24 24 Gel Cards
Phenotypes Rh + Kell (Blood Grouping Gel Cards) BGGCRHPK -48 24 Gel Cards

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