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Patient/Donor Crossmatch Card (Blood Grouping Gel Cards)

Determination of compatibility between patient and donor. It includes ABO, RhD compatibility, and irregular antibodies detection tests.

In transfusion medicine, compatibility testing between patient and donor include ABD antigen confirmation and anti-human globulin tests for detecting clinically significant irregular antibodies. Compatibility testing must be compared with previous transfusion records of the patient.

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Product Name CAT.No Size
Patient/Donor Crossmatch Card (Blood Grouping Gel Cards) OBGCOM-12 12 Gel Cards
Patient/Donor Crossmatch Card (Blood Grouping Gel Cards) OBGCOM-24 24 Gel Cards
Patient/Donor Crossmatch Card (Blood Grouping Gel Cards) OBGCOM-48 48 Gel Cards