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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an envelope, single stranded positive sense RNA (9.5 kb) virus belonging to the family of Flaviviridae. Six major genotypes and series of subtypes of HCV have been identified. Isolated in 1989, HCV is now recognized as the major cause for transfusion associated non-A, non-B hepatitis.

The Biorex Diagnostics HCV kit range is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for qualitative detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus in human serum or plasma. It is intended for screening blood donors and diagnosing patients related to infection with hepatitis C virus.

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Product Name CAT.No Size
HCV BXE0781A 96T
HCV BXE0781C 480T
HCV Ag-Ab BXE0784A 96T
HCV (with CE mark) BXE0783A 96T
HCV (with CE mark) BXE0783C 480T



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