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Free βhCG

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration increases dramatically in blood and urine during normal pregnancy. hCG is secreted by placental tissue, beginning with the primitive trophoblast, almost from the time of implantation, and serves to support the corpus luteum during the early weeks of pregnancy. hCG is secreted by placental tissue, beginning with the primitive trophoblast, almost from the time of implantation, and serves to support the corpus luteum during the early weeks of pregnancy.

The BiorexFree βhC Diagnostics Free βhCG kit is intended for the quantitative determination of Free Beta (β) chronic gonadotropin subuint concentration in human serum by a microplate enzyme immunoassay.

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Product Name CAT.No Size
Free βhCG BXE0872A 96T



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