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The Biorex Diagnostics Troponin test is intended for diagnosing acute myocardial infarctions (AMI) through the quantitative measurement of Cardiac Troponin I in serum or plasma. Troponin I plays a critical role in the timely diagnosis of AMI or heart attacks and the test is most often used to diagnose a heart attack. It is also used to monitor angina, a condition that limits blood flow to the heart and causes chest pain and can sometimes lead to a heart attack.

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Product Name Format CAT.No Size
Troponin-I Turbidimetric LS BXC0469A R1: 1 x 40ml R2: 1 x 10ml
Troponin-I Turbidimetric LS BXC0469B R1: 1 x 80ml R2: 1 x 20ml


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