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Total Protein

The Biorex Diagnostics Total Protein test is intended for determination of total protein in serum or plasma. Measurements of Total Protein are used in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of diseases involving the liver, kidney or bone marrow, as well as other metabolic and nutritional disorders. Elevated levels of protein can be associated with polyclonal or monoclonal gammopathies or severe dehydration. Lower than normal levels can be associated with many disease states including severe protein deficiency, chronic liver disease and malnutrition.

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Product Name Format CAT.No Size
Total Protein Biuret Conc BXC0171A R1: 4 x 125ml R2: 1 x 50ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Total Protein Biuret RTU BXC0173A R1: 2 x 60ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Total Protein Biuret RTU BXC0173B R1: 6 x 60ml R4: 1 x 5ml


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