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Most of the iron in the body is bound in haemoglobin molecules in the red blood cells. About 4% of iron is bound in myoglobin molecules and 30% of iron in the body is stored as ferritin or hemosiderin in the spleen, bone marrow and the liver. Transferrin produced in the liver binds one or two iron ions and is used to move these stores of iron to areas where it might be required.

The Biorex Diagnostics kit is intended for quantitative determination of Iron in Serum or Plasma.

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Product Name Format CAT.No Size
Iron Ferrene LS BXC0232A R1: 2 x 125ml R2: 1 x 65ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Iron Ferrozine LS BXC0235A R1: 2 x 40ml R2: 2 x 10ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Iron Ferrozine LS BXC0235B R1: 4 x 40ml R2: 2 x 20ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Iron Chromazurol B Mono BXC0236A R1: 2 x 50ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Iron/UIBC Ferrene LS BXC0234A R1: 1 x 100ml R2: 2 x 15ml R3: 1 x 10ml R4: 1 x 10ml R5: 1 x 10ml R6: 1 x 100ml R7: 1 x 5ml


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