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Homocysteine Enzymatic UV

The Biorex Diagnostics Homocysteine test is intended for use in the quantitative determination of Total- L-Homocysteine in serum or plasma. Homocysteine is a thio-containing amino acid produced by the intracellular demethylation of methionine. Total Homocysteine (Hcy) represents the sum of all forms of Hcy including forms of oxidized, protein bound and free.

Elevated levels of Hcy have emerged as an important risk factor in the assessment of cardiovascular disease. Excess Hcy in the blood stream may cause injuries to arterial vessels due to its irritant nature, and result in inflammation and plaque formation, which may eventually cause blockage of blood flow to the heart.

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Product Name Format CAT.No Size
Homocysteine Enzymatic UV LS BXC0690A R1: 1 x 16ml R2: 1 x 4ml


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