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The Biorex Diagnostics enzymatic in vitro test for the quantitative determination of glucose in human serum and plasma. Glucose measurements are used in the diagnosis and monitoring of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including diabetes mellitus, neonatal hypoglycaemia, idiopathic hypoglycaemia and pancreatic islet cell carcinoma.

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Product Name Format CAT.No Size
Glucose GOD-PAP LS BXC0101A R1: 6 x 60ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Glucose GOD-PAP LS BXC0101B R1: 6 x 125ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Glucose GOD-PAP LS BXC0101C R1: 2 x 500ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Glucose GOD-PAP LS BXC0101D R1: 4 x 250ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Glucose GOD-PAP LS BXC0101E R1: 10 x 500ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Glucose GOD-PAP Lyo BXC0102A R1: 4 x 250ml R2: 4 x 250ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Glucose GOD-PAP Lyo BXC0102B R1: 10 x 500ml R2: 10 x 500ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Glucose Hexokinase LS BXC0103A R1: 5 x 25ml R2: 1 x 25ml R4: 1 x 5ml


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