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D-3 Hydroxybutyrate

The Biorex Diagnostics D3-Hydroxybutyrate test is intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of D-3-Hydroxybutyrate in serum and plasma.

D3-Hydroxybutyrate is mainly produced in the liver from oxidation of fatty acids and is transported to peripheral tissues for the production of energy. D3 Hydroxybutyrate forms about 80% of all ketone bodies that result from the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver. High levels of ketone bodies in blood causes ketosis. Normal ketosis is prevalent in conditions such as fasting, prolonged exercise or a high fat diet. Causes of pathologic ketosis include, multiple organ failure, diabetes, inborn errors of metabolism, growth hormone deficiency and alcohol abuse. In acute illness, the ketone bodies accumulate and cause metabolic acidosis which could be a life threatnening condition.

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Product Name Format CAT.No Size
D-3 Hydroxybutyrate 3-HBDH/NAD LS BXC0542A R1: 1 x 50ml R2: 1 x 8ml R4: 1 x 5ml
D-3 Hydroxybutyrate Lyo BXC0541A R1: 1 x 50ml R2: 5 x 10ml R4: 1 x 5ml


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