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The Biorex CK-MB is intended for quantitative determination of CK MB in serum or plasma.

The determination of CK-MB is an important element in the diagnosis if myocardial ischemia. CK-MB values are detectable in serum 3-8 hours after the onset of cardiac symptoms and can be detected over a lengthy period of time.

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Product Name Format CAT.No Size
CK-MB Immunoinhibition LS BXC0451A R1: 1 x 35ml R2: 10 x 2.5ml R3: 1 x 2ml
CK-MB Immunoinhibition LS BXC0451B R1: 1 x 105ml R2: 10 x 10ml R3: 1 x 2ml
CK-MB Immunoinhibition LS BXC0451C R1: 1 x 15ml R2: 2 x 2.5ml R3: 1 x 2ml
CK-MB Enzymatic UV LS BXC0452A R1: 1 x 25ml R2: 1 x 5ml
CK-MB Enzymatic UV LS BXC0452B R1: 2 x 25ml R2: 2 x 5ml
CK-MB Enzymatic UV LS BXC0452C R1: 10 x 3ml R2: 1 x 6ml
CK-MB 4+1 LS BXC0458A R1: 1 x 20ml R2: 1 x 4ml
CK-MB 4+1 LS BXC0458B R1: 2 x 20ml R2: 1 x 10ml


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