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For quantitative determination of Calcium in Serum / Plasma or Urine. Serum calcium levels are influenced by changes in protein concentrations.  Increased calcium levels can be present in numerous disease states from dehydration to malignancies, e.g. of lung or kidney. Low levels can also be clinically significant.

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Product Name Format CAT.No Size
Calcium AMP/CPC LS BXC0291A R1: 1 x 125ml R2: 1 x 125ml R3: 1 x 12.5ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Calcium Arsenazo Mono BXC0292A R1: 2 x 125ml R4: 1 x 5ml
Calcium Arsenazo Mono BXC0292B R1: 6 x 60ml R4: 1 x 5ml


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