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The Lewis blood group system is a human blood group system, classified by the expression of glyocoproteins called Lewis (LE) antigens. Lewis antigens are synthesized by intestinal epithelial cells, circulate in plasma and are passively absorbed onto red blood cells. Antibodies to the Lewis antigen are generally IgM.  This Anti-LEreagent is for the in vitro detection and identification of the human LEb blood group antigen by direct agglutination.

The Biorex Diagnostics Anti-LEb blood grouping reagent contains mouse monoclonal IgM antibodies, diluted in a phosphate buffer containing sodium chloride, EDTA, bovine albumin and macromolecular potentiators. Anti-LEb is manufactured with Clone LEB2. This reagent is supplied ready for use and does not require any further dilution or addition.

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Product Name CAT.No Size
Anti-Leb BGLEB002 1 x 2ml



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