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Serum Indices (LIH)

Interference caused by Lipaemia, Icterus and Haemolysis (LIH) which affect sample integrity is one of the most common problems observed in all clinical laboratories.

Biorex Serum Indices Quality Controls are designed to monitor the ability of an instrument to accurately measure LIH in specimens. This is done through the use of controls which mimic specimens considered as either lipaemic, icteric, haemolytic or normal using human based control material.

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Product Name CAT. No Size
LIHN BXC0600A 4 x 1 x 5ml
LIH Lipaemic BXC0600C 4 x 5ml
LIH Icteric BXC0600D 4 x 5ml
LIH Haemolytic BXC0600E 4 x 5ml
LIH Normal BXC0600B 4 x 5ml

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