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Complement system is a complex system of 30 proteins circulating in the blood. C3 is the most abundant protein of the complement system, and because of its ability to activate itself, it greatly magnifies an immune response. It is an Anaphylatoxin and a Chemotoxin. C3 is required by both the Classical and the alternate pathways.

Biorex Diagnostics manufactures C3 reagents designed for Hitachi 917, Olympus AU600/400/640/2700 and CA 180/270/400 Furuno/Daytona systems.

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Product Name Details CAT.No Size
C3 Suitable for Hitachi 917 HIT0851A R1: 2 x 20ml R2: 1 x 8ml
Complement C3 Suitable for use on Olympus System AU600, AU400, AU640, AU2700 OLY0851B R1: 2 x 20ml R2: 1 x 8ml
Complement C3 Suitable for CA 180/270/400 Furuno/ Daytona Series Reagents BXCF851A R1: 3 x 20ml R2: 3 x 6ml


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