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Triiodothyronine, a thyroid hormone, circulates in blood almost completely bound (>99.5%) to carrier proteins. The main transport protein is thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG). However, only the free (unbound) portion of triiodothyronine is believed to be responsible for the biological action. Furthermore, the concentrations of the carrier proteins are altered in many clinical conditions, such as pregnancy.

The Biorex Diagnostics FT3 kit is intended for use in the quantitative determination of free triiodothyronine concentration in human serum by a microplate enzyme immunoassay. Levels of fT3 are thought to reflect the amount of T3 available to the cells and may therefore determine the clinical metabolic status of T3.

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Product Name CAT.No Size
FT3 BXE0732A 96T
FT3 BXE0732B 192T



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